The RAFT Strategy in Language Arts and Writing by Roselle Gordon

The "RAFT" strategy in language arts is an acronym that stands for Role, Audience, Format, and Topic. It is a technique or used that can be used to help students organize and structure their writing.

  1. Role: This refers to the perspective that you take on as a writer.
  2. Audience: In this stage, you pay keen attention to who you wish your audience to be. Understanding the audience helps writers create pieces that uses the correct tone, language and structure, making it more reachable and reader friendly.
  3. Format: This stage consists pf determining the mode of writing or medium that the piece will take. Examples include a letter, diary entry, poem, speech, or newspaper article. It dictates the structure and style of the writing.
  4. Topic: Finally, writers select a theme or subject matter of the writing assignment. It shows relatability to the role you have chosen and the audience you wish to reach.

Here is an example of how RAFT Writing would look like as an example:

The use of the RAFT strategy aims to give students an opportunity to creatively put together a well constructed written piece, no matter the mode. In the classroom setting, This is a strategy that can be used across the curriculum in other subject areas, mainly because of the fact that it does not stick one genre of writing. I am can certainly use this technique in the subject are of Social Studies for upper level students who may need to write an advertisement or poster in relation to advocacy for pollution or in Science when writing a letter to their principal, requesting permission to conduct a filed trip to visit the mangroves in Barbuda.


  1. The RAFT strategy provides a structured approach to help students organize their writing effectively. By considering Role, Audience, Format, and Topic, students can create pieces with the appropriate tone, language, and structure. Your intention to use this technique across the curriculum, such as in Social Studies and Science, demonstrates its versatility and potential for engaging students in various subject areas. Great initiative!

  2. I appreciate the fact that this strategy can be turned into a chart with RAFT being an acronym to allow the students to easily follow along, thus creating a good writing piece.


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