Text Models - Roselle Gordon

 Text models can be used effectively to demonstrate the expectations of what students writing pieces should look like. Students compare both inferior and excellent texts, checking for various structural parts. Of course a lesson or two that teaches what to look for happens before this stage so that students know what to look for. these parts include word choices, sentences structures, text features and organization. Where whole texts are deemed difficult because of grade levels or age, excerpts are accepted and used. For example, a teacher may use a chart displaying an example of a friendly letter to Grade 3, comparing one written by the teacher and one written by a student blindly asked to write a letter, demonstrating the various parts such as the address, greeting and salutation. Text signals are used to label the parts and show placement of each part. Students share differences and similarities between the two.

Another way that teachers can utilize text modeling is through the use of writing frames. these frames act as sentence starters or provision of transition words. This modelling strategy proves useful in teaching story-telling, descriptive and expository writing.  For example, words like first, next and finally are used when writing descriptive piece on how to do something.

Modelling is an important step in the scaffolding process and students tend to gravitate to this step as it acts as a guide during any learning experience that makes instruction clearer and transparent.

Photo: Lesson Plan Digger


  1. Although writing frames may not be the actual content of the writing piece, they are indeed useful to teach (modeled) to students. This shows how the writer is connecting points by using transitional words to give a smoother and better understanding of the author is trying to put across.

  2. "Your emphasis on using text models to demonstrate writing expectations is exemplary. By comparing inferior and excellent texts, students can effectively analyze word choices, sentence structures, and text organization. The use of writing frames as sentence starters and transition words is a valuable strategy for teaching various types of writing. This modeling approach serves as a crucial step in scaffolding learning experiences, providing students with clear and transparent guidance. Well done!"


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