Descriptive Writing by Roselle Gordon

 Descriptive writing can be one of the most creative forms of writing from the bunch. In descriptive writing, writers are encouraged to use various literary devices and techniques such as use of metaphors, similes, personification and descriptive words that helps the reader to visualize and imagine the writers vision of the piece. Descriptive writing does not always come in the form of a narrative, any piece of writing that 

 This can can be quite challenging for some students and teachers alike who lack vivid imaginations or a sense of imagery. When teaching how to compose a descriptive piece, consider the use the following techniques as a guide:

  • Five Senses Rule: Appeal to the reader's sense of touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell. Attempt to use pictures, real life scenarios and experiences to boost the creativity and thought processes

  • Removing Apparent Description: Leave out information that may be considered basic or known. Focus on the extraordinary parts unknown and not casually thought of or easily recognized.

  • Using Figurative/Descriptive Literary Techniques: Use literary techniques such as personification, similes, hyperboles, onomatopoeia, and metaphors

  • Using Active Voice: Use active voice

  • Using Precise Language: Use language that conveys exactly what you want to say

Most students in the upper level have difficulty constructing good reading worthy descriptive pieces and so I am encouraged that if I teach them the proper use of the above techniques, with practice and gradual release, they will become more comfortable and capable in their abilities to write.


  1. Your emphasis on the creative nature of descriptive writing and the use of literary devices is insightful. The techniques you've outlined, such as appealing to the five senses and using figurative language, provide a comprehensive guide for teaching descriptive writing. With practice and guidance, students can indeed become more comfortable and proficient in crafting descriptive pieces.

  2. The techniques listed above is a good checklist to have when writing a descriptive piece for both students and teachers.


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