Evidence-Based Practices for Writing Instruction - Effectiveness of Teacher Modelling by Roselle Gordon

In an earlier post I shared with you how teachers can use their own essay pieces in the classroom. This is a perfect example of what teacher modeling would look like. creating pieces that represent the quality of work that is expected of our students and also, quality pieces that show or outline the various aspects of writing you wish for your students to learn. 

Vygotsky’s theory encourages collaborative and cooperative learning between children and teachers and this demonstrates that. Teachers who show enthusiasm for writing and regularly display the writing skills, strategies, and processes they wish students to emulate help students duplicate similiar habits and traits. In addition, when a student views the teacher as a “writer,” the teacher’s input is considered as more authentic.

An example of teacher modelling is demonstrated in the below video for a lower level grade.

By observing their teacher's thinking and decision-making, students gain valuable insights into the writing process. Additionally, teacher modelling helps students understand the different components of effective writing, such as organization, sentence structure, and vocabulary choices. It also allows students to see examples of various writing genres and styles. Through consistent teacher modelling, students learn to apply these strategies and techniques independently, leading to improved writing proficiency.


  1. Hi, Roselle, when students see and understand what is expected of them, they do in fact perform and produce much better work. When teachers are excited and show enthusiasm to the task at hand, it may compel students to mirror that excitement, as well, and this is shown in the quality of work they execute.

  2. People often say, 'you are what you eat'. However, I also think it is possible that your environment can mold you into the person you are. With that being said, showing the students enthusiasm for writing will definitely help in their writing journey because we all know students think their teacher is always right.


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