Six Traits of Writing: Ideas by Roselle Gordon

The best stories written come from the best ideas and most creative ways of thinking. In writing, ideas refer to the content and the message that the writer wants to convey. It's all about having a clear and engaging main idea, supporting details that are relevant and interesting, and a logical flow of thoughts.

As part of the six traits of writing, the teachers responsibility is to encourage students to think about what they wish to write about before doing so. In this stage, points are drafted from thought to paper in an organisational posture before creating the writing pieces. This step is also most important in narrative writing, because it is necessary to maintain a clear flow so that the piece makes sense.

Ideas are the building blocks of writing. When it comes to the six traits of writing, ideas are like the foundation of a strong and meaningful piece of work.  A good writer knows how to generate unique and original ideas, organize them effectively, and express them in a way that captivates the reader. So, whether you're writing a story, an essay, or even a persuasive piece, remember that strong ideas are essential for creating powerful and impactful writing. As an educator, especially of the Language Arts, I am encouraged to use a variety of strategies that actually encourage students to get creative. These strategies include writing activities to start class, show and tell presentations as well as sentence starters for random topics that they can write about.

I encourage to keep exploring and expanding your students ideas, allowing them to let their creativity shine through through words! 


  1. Your emphasis on the importance of generating unique and original ideas in writing is commendable. Encouraging students to think deeply about their content before writing and using strategies like writing activities and show and tell presentations can indeed foster creativity. Additionally, providing sentence starters for random topics can spark imagination and help students express their thoughts effectively. Keep up the great work in nurturing your students' creativity!

  2. Authors often get writer's block and I am not surprised ideas is one of the six traits of writing. Using a variety of strategies can help jump start the imagination of these young authors in the classroom.


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