Steps to Writing Well by Nerissa Jarvis


Writing well requires following a few essential steps that will help you engage your audience and communicate your ideas clearly.

 1. Understand your purpose                            2. Know your audience

3. Plan and organize                                       4. Start with a strong introduction

5. Develop your ideas                                    6. Use clear and concise language

7. Revise and edit                                          8. Seek feedback

9. Finalize your writing                                10. Practice to keep on writing

Narrative essay:

- Is primarily concerned with narrating a tale or personal experiences.

- First-person narrative is common.

- Consists of a plot, characters, setting, and climax.

. uses sensory details and vivid descriptions to draw the reader in.

Descriptive essay:

- Aim to paint a clear image of a person, place, thing, or experience

- Mainly relies on imagery and sensory details to provide a precise and in-depth impression.

- Frequently employs vivid language and metaphorical language to appeal to the reader's senses. 

Expository essay:

- Provides details, clarifies a subject, or defines an idea.

- Concentrates on offering a fair and impartial examination of a topic by utilizing data, figures, and illustrations.

-Usually composed of three distinct paragraphs: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

- May consist of subcategories like process, compare-and-contrast, and cause-and-effect essays

Argumentative essay:

- Gives more weight to the presentation of facts and sound reasoning.

- Requires the writer to adopt a position on a contentious topic and provide evidence and arguments against it.

- Frequently has a concise thesis statement and presents opposing views in a fair manner

Here is a video from Scribbr on the basic steps on how to write an essay. ☺


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  1. Understanding the essential steps for effective writing is crucial. From understanding the purpose and audience to planning, organizing, and seeking feedback, each step contributes to clear and engaging writing. Whether crafting a narrative, descriptive, expository, or argumentative essay, these steps guide writers in effectively communicating their ideas to the audience.

  2. As a child, I would not have considered writing to be a favourite past time, but, in spite of this, i quite enjoyed writing narrative and descriptive pieces. Your notes on the various types of writing was informative and truthful. it is important to teach how to write each type effectively, and the steps mentioned above encourages that. Considering the use of various teacher examples and graphic organizers to assist, would greatly aid the creation of best pieces from the little authors in our classrooms.


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